27th October 2022 at Manggha Museum in Kraków
Hey students!
We met many times on various ByteMyCode workshops and events during the past years. You have a special place in our BMC community. That’s why we want to celebrate the next edition of ByteMyCode conference with you!
We reserved a limited number of tickets just for you. Register using the “BMC_student” code and get a 50% discount.
Why it’s worth to come? Hottest tech topics and trends and live-coding sessions mixed with networking, contests, and lots of fun. Sounds tempting? We bet it does!
The #ByteMyCode conference powered by UBS is just around the corner! Meet fellow developers and tech stars from all over the world on 27 October in Krakow.
Sławek Sobótka, Jakub Pilimon, or Adam Bien are already in. Are you?
Register now! https://eventory.cc/event/byte-my-code-2022/tickets
More information and full agenda: bytemycode.pl
Join ByteMyCode 2022 – tech conference powered by UBS